August is Fleeing

Wow, it has been a hot minute! I said I was going to try to post every other day and that was a wee bit too ambitious. I think I am going to have to cut it back to once a week. I know, I know. You're crying. You're lost. You don't know what you'll do. It will be OK. I promise. But really though, I didn't want to try to post every other day if it was boring and I was just scraping for something to talk about. Also, it has been hard to sit down at all between work, getting settled in our new house, and a babe. So I will write one post a week that is interesting and not a lot of posts that are boring and mundane. Well, they'll probably be boring regardless. Not much is going on, ha. I will try to make it seem NOT boring though. This guy helps. I have been reading a ton lately. Reading used to be my favorite past time, then I didn't have the focus, now I'm working on building my focus back. It helps me get used to not constantly looking ...