
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Galentine's Day fit for Leslie Knope!

Happy Galentine's Day! For those of you who don't know, Galentine's Day is a holiday invented by the character Leslie Knope from the amazing show Parks & Rec.  If you haven't watched the show, you need to add it to your watch list. Put it at the top actually. It is one of my all time favorite shows. Leslie for President!  The idea first appeared in Season 2 Episode 16. Titled, fittingly, "Galentine's Day". Anyway, Leslie gets all her gal pals together on February 13 (the day before Valentine's Day) and dubs it "Galentine's" Day! Here is her direct quote from the show, "Every February 13th, my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home, and we just come and kick it, breakfast-style. Ladies celebrating ladies."  This is all of my favorite things combined; celebrating some of my favorite ladies, eating breakfast, and lots and lots of whipped cream of course. (Leslie wouldn't have it any othe

Best Beauty of 2018 PART 3: Eyes

Next in my favorites, let's talk eyes and eye-shadows! Toward the second half of last year I really didn't wear a lot of eye-shadow. When I do feel like dressing up, or adding some pizzazz, I seem to gravitate to the same things time and time again. I would consider most of these holy grail products for that reason. My colourpop eyeshadow and Too Faced palettes have held tried and true for several years now, but I found some more last year that I think are here to stay. The breakdown: *Colourpop Super Shock Shadow:  This was the first ever product I tried from Colourpop almost five years ago and it is still easily my favorite thing they make. It is such a unique formula and has some of the most incredible payoff. I used to preach this stuff to everyone. If you saw me with a banging color or sparkle on my lid, 98% chance it was this. Pictured I put my all time faves,  Cornelious  (a matte warm caramel) , Friendship File  (a Hello Kitty exclusive, a sparkly war

Favorite Beauty of 2018 PART 2: Lips

Welcome to Part 2 of my favorite beauty of 2018! This one is moving on to my kryptonite, lips. If I see a pretty lipstick on someone, I have to have it. If I ask you what lipstick you are wearing, I expect you to know and tell me so I can get it too. I probably have more lipstick than there are days in the year, but when I feel sassy I know I can just wear mascara and a bold lip. The breakdown: *EOS Lipbalm:  As much as I love lipstick, I surprisingly gravitated toward naked lips in 2018. EOS lipbalm has been keeping me going for years now and I love the crystal one I have been using. I also really love the coconut milk swirled one. Regardless of what kind, I always have a EOS on hand. *Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme:  Continuing on with naked lips, this is amazing to use on its own or over lipstick. Warning: it hurts, pretty bad. I got a sample of this in my ipsy, and upon first use, hated it. I read about why it stung so bad and was intrigued. I tried it gradua

Best Beauty of 2018 PART 1: Body and Hair

2018 has come and gone, and I have lots of products I loved. I am by no means a make-up/skincare expert. I am just a lover of beauty products. I did some de-cluttering, and picked through things I did use or didn't use. I tried to decide why I didn't use them, figured out why the items in my everyday makeup basket were in there and even discovered a few holy grail items this past year. I started this blog post out as one big post covering all the categories, but it was insanely long. I want to describe and discuss each product but it was too much in one post. So I have decided to split it up into Body/Hair Care, Face Skincare, Eyes, Lips, and Face Makeup. Sorry, anyone who knows me, knows that when I am into something I can talk and talk and talk... and talk. 2018 was the year of skin for me. I didn't wear too much makeup this year, and if I did, I gravitated toward just foundation and face products (I still love highlighter), and mascara. I cancelled my ipsy