"Life Starts All Over Again When It Gets Crisp In The Fall"

Fall is almost my favorite time of the year.

The weather changes from a sweaty, hot mess to a crisp, cool refresh. That's exactly what that season is, too. Most people think refresh and renew when they think of spring. We can't have all that new life and new growth until we shed our old, shed our clutter, shed what is weighing us down. Autumn is exactly when the Earth does this as well, so it just feels natural that we gravitate toward the same feeling. The quote from the title of this post comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald, who I think felt the same way I do.

Autumn makes me want to start new routines, it makes me feel inspired, and it makes me feel a little melancholy. When a new season comes, that means another has gone. You never really realize how fast time goes by until all you want is for it to slow down.

Two of my sister-friends are going through some new, fresh changes.

One of them has just started on a new adventure. New places, new people, new experiences. She's gone to grad school to change the world even more. She has so much ahead of her and I can't wait to see all the great things she is going to do, and all the lives she is going to touch. She has shed an old version of herself she never thought she would have to, and she emerges from difficulties with such grace and bravery. I aspire to be like her. She has so many accomplishments, celebrations, and journeys to come and I look forward to being there to cheer her on for each one.

One just got some news that changed her life. She is also going on a new adventure. She has worked so hard her entire life and overcame every obstacle in her way. She takes care of strangers every single day and brightens the lives of everyone she encounters. She will fight anyone who does you wrong and cry with you when you are broken-hearted. She is the most responsible and caring person I have ever met and I know she is going to be the best mother. I have loved seeing her celebrate each step and accomplishment in her path and can't wait to stand with her for the next one. 

A crisp, cozy day.

Reagan invited us to her new stomping grounds to see all her exciting new things! We did it all of course: doughnuts, coffee, touring, bagels, gas-station-Thai-food, etc. It was a blast. We all were in need of a fun, happy day filled with fresh air and beautiful friends. Reagan suggested we go to a little local farm.

Let me say this, if you are feeling anxious, depressed, ugly, tired, or nauseous (in Nikki's case), go right now with your friends and have an impromptu adventure somewhere beautiful. Bonus points if you include an impromptu photo-shoot. Everyone deserves to feel as happy and confident as you feel while you friends take pictures of you shouting things such as, "You look STUNNING! You are so natural! You're gorgeous! Your hair is glowing! You look like a mermaid! Are you a model?! This is flawless! You are a queen! A goddess!" etc. I promise you, you will feel better.

We all felt like a million bucks after we left and got some Thai food in our tummies. We had such a fun day filled with cute little pig races, cornfield mazes, corn-hole, animal petting, and pumpkins.

I mean, who doesn't love pumpkins?

I'm so lucky to have the friends that I have.

We say a lot, "It was always us, we always knew."

We have gone through many pages of our lives together and these friends have remained constant for over 10 years. It gets harder as we grow and change, but we always make time for one another and they will always bend over backward to accommodate someone. They are always there when I need them, and have walked me through my toughest battles. I hope they know the same.

I will leave us with another Autumn quote that I love,

(In honor of my very best friend coming to cozy up in my favorite chair very soon, it's Brianna szn bby)

See also: Our impromptu, very professional, smartphone photo-shoot

Please observe how beautiful and cute my friends are.


  1. Wow! Tears! I love it, my favorite writer!! You got it all, baby!! I want to be you when I grow up! Love the pics, too, of course, but you knew that! You girls are so beautiful. As I read, I missed Bri being there, and then SLAM, Bry-seezon! I loved it! My girls!! My beautiful, smart, loving, fun girls!! Hugs and kisses to all 4!! And so exciting to add a new lil Sexyton to our mix!😁


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