Happy Birthday Daddio!

Today is my Dad's birthday.

He's such an incredible person, but very rarely realizes it.

So today's post is a poem to you, Dad. I hope you had a great birthday. 🎉

My Dad.

He is strength.
He is bravery.
He is hard-work.
He is determination.
He is bedtime prayers and counting sheep.
He is faith.
He is love.
He is laughter. (Especially when not trying 😉)
He is proud.
He is perseverance.
He is biscuits and gravy.
He is cat nuzzles.
He is hot irons and starch.
He is worry.
He is provision.
He is sensitivity.
He is coffee.
He is Curve.
He is the History Channel.
He is old westerns.
He is John Fogerty.
He is Magic Carpet Ride.
He is percussion.
He is tractor.
He is carpentry.
He is mechanics.
He is coveralls.
He is naps.
He is mustache.
He is bubble baths.
He is shined shoes.
He is Rolling Stones.
He is taking entirely too long to take a photo.
He is kindness.
He is wisdom.
He is acceptance.
He is short shorts.
He is bell-bottoms.
He is Army.
He is beepers.
He is Triumph TR3.
He is floor cleaner.
He is toothpicks.
He is blankets.
He is pickled eggs.
He is new brakes.
He is a spoonful of peanut butter.
He is loyalty.
He is son.
He is brother.
He is uncle.
He is husband.
He is friend.
He is father.
He is grandaddy.
He is Jarrad.
He is Brandon.
He is Cassandra.
He is Townes.

Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures.

I love you dad. I will always love you. No matter what.

I am so proud of you, always. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me and everything you ever will do for me. I am who I am because of you. Happy Birthday!

Since today is a post about dad, I figured instead of my three favorite moments of today, I would share three of *some* of my favorite moments with dad.

Moment 1: Dad was going through a really hard time and we were riding in my car together with the windows down. "You gotta keep your head up ooh" started on the radio. Dad started fist pumping and shouting the lyrics and we just danced in the car. He is so happy and positive even when it's hard.

Moment 2: Watching him play in a band! Yeah I got to see him play drums in a band in our garage. My dad. He's so cool.

Moment 3: Dancing our hearts out with my friends to "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus. He IS the fungus among us 😂😂

So many great moments and making more every day. 


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