Mission Impossible

Yesterday evening, I had the pleasure of seeing Mission Impossible - Fallout.

With some great company, I might add! Yes, it was as amazing and thrilling as it looks. Yes, I cringed when I saw the stunt that broke Tom Cruise's ankle. (which was the take they used in the film btw. You are actually watching him break his ankle and limp away, poor Tom.) It was so much fun and so exciting, everything you want out of a summer movie. If you're wondering if you should go see it, you should. 

Tom Cruise blows me away. During every single stunt I was gripping my seat because I knew he was actually doing everything you see on screen. Part of me would love to ride with him in a car chase, while the other part just enjoys watching it on-screen. Oh, and of course there is Tom running scene. I could watch that man run all day...
Here, you can see Tom HANGING FROM A HELICOPTER,
which he learned to fly just for this film
Okay, okay. I'm sorry, enough about Tom. Henry is just as amazing in the film too. (Cavill that is, we're on a first name basis.)
Everyone joked about how MI wouldn't let him shave his mustache
for Justice League, but when you see that thing in action you know why.
You can't wear a fake mustache that good.
Really though. Go see it, thank me later. I would love to talk about how awesome it is with you.

Speaking of Mission Impossible...

That is how it has felt getting Townes to sleep lately. Naps, bedtime, waking up too early, not sleeping long enough, you name it. He's always been a fairly good sleeper, but we've been all over the place lately. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that it's summer and we are doing all kinds of different things and we don't have any kind of specific daily routine. Hopefully it will all come back together when work starts back and each day is kind of the same for him. I know I like routine, and kids are so dependent on routine at all ages.
1 month-old Townes, snoozing with Dad
As I write this post however, Townes is having an amazing nap. I feel a bit like Ethan Hunt when that happens. You have the plan perfectly laid out: watch an episode of calming Mr. Rogers while eating a snack, change diaper, wrestle on the bed until he starts to rub his eyes, grab bottle, rock. When he's so asleep that you can lift his arm and let it drop with no resistance, you're in the clear. Quietly walk to the crib and lay him down so gently, if he feels you letting go the bomb will explode. If you made it this far without him blowing up, then sneak out of the room. If his eyes happen to pop open subconsciously, fall to the floor as flat and quietly as you can and crawl out of the room without being seen. The universe is saved!
Date nights are fun because you get to wear
something other than sweat pants. (Note the
chipped nail polish - I can't do it all people)
So I get to sit here and write on this nice, overcast day in a calm silence, while he naps. Which doesn't happen often. Sometimes he will only sleep for about 30 minutes and I sit on the couch and blankly stare at some Netflix show I'm not really watching. Sometimes I lay down and sleep with him. When he was much younger I always laid down with him, you HAVE to. You go crazy when you don't have sleep, so to keep me from killing someone I slept when he did. Now that he's older, I like to use the quiet time and soak it up when I can. Take a shower, clean up, read, write, paint, etc. It's a perfectly scrumptious me-time, which is equally as important as the sleep I think.
ALWAYS throw in a cup o' joe of course!
We got some super exciting news yesterday, that I can't wait to share... curious? 😏 This time next week, you'll know unless you're someone I've told already. Lots of changes are coming our way and I could not be happier and more thankful.
Things are starting to happen very quickly and before I know it school is starting back! Although it is nice to not be going to school as a student, you still have similar back to school feelings as a faculty member. We dread it too! This year instead of buying an incredibly expensive, beautiful planner I am going to try bullet journaling and using it to make my own planner. We'll see how it goes. I bought a spiral-bound graph paper pad and an empty binder to get started. I'm pinning a ton of different layouts to help my creativity flow, I hope I enjoy it. More on that later, I'll share updates!
Well I hope your day is going well, and that you sit down to enjoy some nice and quiet me-time today. Whether its riding home in your car with the windows down and the radio off, enjoying a glass of something yummy in a rocking chair, scrolling through pinterest, (hey, sometimes that's the best we can do) trying a new recipe or creating something beautiful. It may seem impossible to do sometimes, but it is possible. (See what I did there? Tying it all back together?)

Almost forgot my 3 favorite moments!

Moment 1: Watching Townes try to snap when Mr. Rogers says "Make a snappy new day!"

Its so cute. You just have to see it for yourself.

Moment 2: **edit** My friends just left so I am adding this.

My best friends came over for a great night of catching up. It was definitely a favorite moment of the day.

Moment 3: Nice, quiet nap time.

Thanks Townes.

Happy lovely Friday!

And thanks, if you spent some of it here 💜


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