August Bullet Journal Layout

This year instead of buying a fancy, expensive calendar I decided to try bullet journaling!

So far I love it! Even though it can be a lot of work, I enjoy being creative with it. I'm going to try to give each month a theme and share my layouts each month. I'm still just a beginner so I'm still trying to figure out what I like and what pages I want. I find lots of inspiration on instagram, pinterest, and youtube. Since this was my first month, I also have a few pages in the beginning to use all year. I didn't know how this whole experience would go, or if I would like it so I haven't bought an official bullet journal yet. I just bought a grid-paper notebook, it works for now but the paper does bleed. Okay, enough boring stuff! 

Hello August! This month's layout theme is lavender

My first page is a year at a glance, I'm probably going to add important dates to remember on the side, but I'm not that far yet.

A closer look:

My next page is a yearly cleaning schedule to keep me on track. It's broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, and more. It also has space to color in when I have finished that week or month, etc.

A closer look:

The next spread is a books to read area. Every time I finish a book I color it in. I also added a fun quote about reading.

I'm hoping to fill up the whole book shelf by this time next year!

Next of course I had to do a movie page too. We watch movies so often, I left a page blank in case I filled this one up. I am only writing down the movies that are new to me. If I haven't seen them before I add them to my film strip.

On to the first month of the journal, August! This spread is just a month at a glance. I saw a girl who used lavender as her theme and made it look so easy, I feel like mine never turned out how I wanted, but I'm still pleased with the finished product.

Since August is when school starts back, I used a Nelson Mandela quote I love to start my weekly spreads.

Each weekly spread turned out a little differently because I would either mess up or try something different. I made sure to add some lavender to each page to tie the theme together.

For my last page, I have a spending log. My bank app doesn't take things out until late sometimes and it messes up my budget, this way I keep up with how much I'm spending and saving. I've noticed it helping a lot already! I use red for money spent and green for current balance.

That's it for my August bullet journal! I'm hoping it's going to get better each month and I can use this to look back at how it's progressed. I hope I stay with it, maybe posting updates will keep me accountable. 

My favorite moments of the past few days:

Moment 1: Meeting more neighbors!

As I went out to check the mail, I met our other neighbors who were also super sweet. I'm so thankful.

Moment 2: Having people over!

The past few days we've have our friend Matt and my sister and brother in law with their precious baby boy over! 

Moment 3: Hair cut!

Speaking of my amazing sister-in-law, Lacey, she cut my hairs! I needed it so bad. I just got a refresh and got my bangs cut again. The bangs are back!

I hope you are and continue to have an amazing August! If you're bullet journaling or have, let me know!


  1. I already love your bullet journal! It is only for the most creative-type of organizers! I love your blogs!


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