"Fun" Facts About Me!

Since my blog is still pretty fresh, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you some fun things you may or may not know about little ol' me.

**note: there are probably much more exciting fun facts about me that I couldn't think of. This was an incredibly hard list to make. Maybe I am not very fun. Maybe I am. You be the judge. 

1. I love films.

I have always loved movies, but I have to give Benjamin some credit. (Okay a lot of credit [okay maybe all the credit.].) Ever since we have been together he has really expanded my repertoire. He is the reason I have such an interest for movies now. Movies I never would have watched, or even heard about. I love showing people films I love, talking about moments in film that are breath-taking, and watching Oscar nominees and hoping my favorites win. I am definitely not an expert in all things movies like Benjamin is, but I love them nonetheless. I could talk about them for hours after watching, and I consider a good film to be one that you catch yourself thinking about days after you finished it much like a good book.

2. I always look like I haven't brushed my hair.

& chances are, I probably haven't brushed my hair. I would like to tell you this is because I have a 1 year old and it's hard to get things done. I would also like to tell you that when/if I brush it, all my waves and curls turn into a big, frizzy poof. I would like to tell you I work full-time also and it's hard to get things done. I would like to tell you I am not good at styling my hair. I would like to tell you all these reasons why, but the truth is I just usually don't care. I like to think I have that "messy/put-together" look. But who knows, maybe you just look at me and think, "Dang, that girl needs to brush her hair."

*trying to*
Rocking the "hot mess" look since '93

3. I love reading.

I have loved reading ever since I was little and would get caught sneaking stacks of books under my covers at night, until now. The past few years I wasn't making time for reading like I should have been. I looked for every excuse, and last year I started listening to audio books because I knew I had no excuse I could just listen in the car. I read several books that way and loved it, until my cd player in my car quit working. I was worried I would quit reading, but I am happy to say I have started making time in my day to read books that have been on my shelf for far too long. I am so happy it's a part of my life again. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Hey if I can do it with this rascal around,
so can you!

4. I love personality surveys.

I am an Enneagram 9 with a 2 a strong second (LOL 2 a second). I am also an ENFP if you use the Myers-Briggs. I also am a Sun Capricorn, Moon Cancer, and Rising Cancer. If you are in to any of those, I also love to hear what other people's types are and discussing them. Some people think they are nonsense, but I find them so interesting and fun! I also think most the time they are scary accurate, in ways you didn't even think about! So I would love to know what types you are!

5. I love to create.

I am always looking for ways to be creative and make. With this blog, it came with my love of writing. Reading and watching movies often inspire me into creating my own stories, and I have many word documents doing just that. I love drawing, doodling, and painting. I definitely enjoy the process more than the product but I get a little too nit-picky about my finished work. I recently picked up bullet-journaling which is a great way to embrace creativity into your daily routine. I also have discovered I like to insert creativity into everything I do, and recently that has become having fun with decorating my new home! It's a slow process but so satisfying. I also believe this is why I love make-up so much. I don't really care about wearing make-up, and more often than not I'm not wearing any (maybe I should wear it more often however, a kid at work once told me I looked like an old lady with out it). I just love doing it to myself occasionally, and getting fun with colors and looks it's therapeutic. I am just really in to the aesthetics of everything and making things that are pleasing to look at. 

6. I am a "doing my best" kind of mom.

It is insanely hard being a mother, and no matter what kind of mom you are you always wish you were better. I have dreamed of being a mother my whole life, it was my number 1 dream job. Then I realized the first week of his life, no one knows what in the world they are doing when they have their first kid. I don't always feed my child organic, I use Johnson & Johnson baby products occasionally (it's like devil, poison brand for most moms), I let my child fall down and make messes (which drives my husband crazy), and sometimes I even look at my phone and zone out when he's in the room! I try, through all this and more, to not make myself feel like I'm a bad mom. I try not to compare myself to perfect stay-at-home moms I follow on Instagram (which is just a filtered second of their 24-hour day, I know, I know). My son is beautiful and happy and so good and sometimes I just try to see that maybe I'm the reason for some small part of that. Sometimes all I can do right is love him, but I think that that's pretty okay. Being a mom is my favorite, it's so crazy and so amazing.

7. I love to make people laugh.

I usually can't, because I am not the funniest person around, but oh gosh is it so great when I can. I love that feeling. There's not a lot I won't do for a laugh. It's like having a high, (I'm guessing -- not a doctor) when I can make someone smile and laugh at something I said. I live for it. If I could be a comedian and fill theaters with laughter I would lose it (but I would bomb so bad, I would never make it). I always thought that's one reason Brianna was such a good best friend, is because she would laugh at almost anything I said, she's just too kind though. (she knew deep down I needed those laughs, God love her.) Side note: I still to this day laugh about one time we both got so choked up at an Ash Wednesday service about absolutely nothing. She's my soul mate people. I was raised in a humor-based family, and I don't take anything too seriously. My mom makes me roll my eyes at her humor, and my friends are always telling me I'm turning into her. Which is both a blessing and a curse because she also makes me laugh until I cry. My brothers are also some of the funniest people I know, in complete opposite ways, and Dad, well he's funny by not trying to be funny. I love to laugh as much as I love making other people, probably because it is such a beautiful and great thing. If I get to give that feeling to someone it's just awesome. (so cheesy but just being honest, isn't it the best?) That's one reason having a kid is the best, anything I do can make him laugh. (Until he's a pre-teen that is, fingers crossed I'm still funny).

8. Eight is my favorite number.

That is not really a fun fact, but I thought it should be noted. And on fact 8, too, I'll have you know.

9. I've known I wanted to teach since I was little.

I've had good experiences with teachers and I've had bad experiences with teachers, but ever since I was little I knew I wanted to be one. I used to line up all my stuffed animals and read them Junie B. Jones books and practice writing their names. I volunteered with kids while I still was one, until a few years after I graduated high school. I worked at an after-school program and summer camp for 3 years and decided to go to school for it. I love kids. I love being around kids, I love listening to kids, I love teaching kids. I can't wait to have my own classroom. I hope one day I can have as much of an impact on some kids as my favorite teachers did on me. I seriously believe it's the best job in the world. (Other than the job of mom, as mentioned before, but this is a close second)

10. I prefer whipped icing to buttercream.

I actually could just wipe all the icing off of a cupcake if they use buttercream (leaving only a little) and just eat the cake. Most people tell me this is a psychopath thing to do. I just like the creamy, light whipped topping. I could eat an entire container of whipped cream to be honest. Milky, creamy, sweet goodness. I actually think I'm going to go eat a container now. Yeah. Bye.

My favorite moments of today:

Moment 1: Going to see Mamaw with Townes.

Mamaw just recently had knee surgery and is in a recovery/rehab center. I took Townes to visit her today when she was feeling pretty low. He kissed all over her! He has been pretty stingy with kisses lately and he just kept walking over to her and handing them out without being asked. He would walk away and walk right back and plant another one on her.

Moment 2: Hanging my first pictures in my house!

Thank you David, for hanging our very first art on the walls! One step at a time!

Moment 3: Introducing myself to the neighbors!

I met one of our lovely neighbors today, and was super proud of myself for saying hi and introducing myself instead of being awkward.



  1. I hope you can see this one! It's great! I smiled, laughed, and teared up!

    1. I can! Yay! "Townes' RoRo"! Love you! Thank you!


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